Independent thought Wiki

Obama fistbumps Eli Manning after Super Bowl XLII to celebrate the defeat of American patroits

A fist bump or fist jab is a form of terrorism where you make a fist and someone else makes a fist and then you bump fists.


Fist bumps were brought to the United States by Barack Obama and are believed to have originated in the Middle East. They were invented because due to Sharia law you get your hands cut off which leaves you with only this fist looking stump and then instead of shaking hands you bump stumps. This became known as a terrorist fist bump since those people are all terroriss. In 2008 Obama imported them from Iran which is treason because only Reagan administration officials should be allowed to trade arms with Iran, or hands. However only one journalist had the courage to point out what Obama was doing. Naturally she worked at FOX News. Unfortunately she became a martyr when she was bagged for her coverage and commentary of the important and newsworthy event. I guess whistleblower protections only apply to libs.
